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What are the visa options to hire foreign talent as an employer? business186400 Visa408482494Employer SponsoredENS VisasImmigrationTSS

What are the visa options to hire foreign talent as an employer?

The global talent crunch is real, with “fewer babies, lower high school and college enrollment, rapid wage inflation, near-record unemployment, a skills shortage, the Great Resignation and the remnants of Covid-19 … all conspiring to hinder future business growth.” Securing access to the foreign talent pool is more important than ever before in ensuring that businesses can continue to provide…
Lucinda Lim
7 February, 2023
Updates to the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa (and other temporary visas) australian resident visa408

Updates to the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa (and other temporary visas)

On 2 March 2022, Minister Hawke announced further concessions for holders of a number of visas in support of Australia's COVID recovery, including for the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa. These changes are in addition to previously announced enhanced pathways to permanent residence for TSS visa holders and concessions for Student and Graduate visa holders. COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass…
Mihan Hannan
3 March, 2022
Temporary immigration measures to increase support to Australia’s tourism and hospitality sector australian immigration practice408CovidStudentTSS

Temporary immigration measures to increase support to Australia’s tourism and hospitality sector

On 8 May 2021, Minister for Immigration Alex Hawke announced temporary measures to increase support to Australia’s tourism and hospitality sector. This includes increased access to the 408 visa (COVID-19 Pandemic event stream) and the removal of existing fortnightly work limits placed on student visa holders. These temporary changes are part of the government’s response to support Australia’s economic recovery…
Emily Young
11 May, 2021
COVID-19: Visa options for temporary visa holders in Australia with upcoming expiry dates 400 Visa408457 visa482CovidTSSVisitorWorking Holiday

COVID-19: Visa options for temporary visa holders in Australia with upcoming expiry dates

On 4 April 2020 the Australian government announced a number of updates for temporary visa holders. You can read a summary of these updates here. Among other things, the government advised that: “Temporary visa holders who are unable to support themselves over the next six months are strongly encouraged to return home. For these individuals it's time to go home,…
Mihan Hannan
22 April, 2020