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Bridging VisaImmigration

What is a bridging visa, and what’s the difference between them?

By 1 April, 2021June 14th, 202389 Comments12 min read

bridging visa

Foreign residents in Australia normally hold “substantive visas” with clear expiry dates. A substantive visa is any visa which is not a bridging visa or a criminal justice visa or an enforcement visa. When people normally mention that they are holding a visa (e.g. a Visitor visa, a TSS visa, a Partner visa) they are usually referring to a substantive visa.

However, in some cases a foreign resident will remain in Australia outside of the expiry date of their substantive visa. This can be because they overstayed and became unlawful or because they are lawfully awaiting the processing of a further visa. Bridging visas can be granted to allow such individuals to remain in Australia whilst they are waiting for an application to be processed, or to provide lawful status while they make arrangements to depart the country.

What are the different types of bridging visas?

There are nine types of bridging visas in Australia, though the four most common are:

  1. Bridging Visa A (Subclass 010) (BVA);
  2. Bridging Visa B (Subclass 020) (BVB);
  3. Bridging Visa C (Subclass 020) (BVC); and
  4. Bridging Visa E (Subclass 050) (BVE).

A BVA is designed to provide lawful status in Australia to a non-citizen who has applied for a substantive visa while they are in Australia and holding a substantive visa. The BVA will then allow a person to remain in Australia:

  1. during the processing of their associated substantive visa application until it is finally determined (including any merits review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)); or
  2. during judicial review proceedings relating to their associated substantive visa application until the proceedings are completed.

Note that a BVA allows the holder to remain lawfully in Australia but it does not allow the holder to travel to and re-enter Australia if they depart. If travel is required whilst holding a BVA, an individual should apply for a BVB (see below).

A BVA application is usually automatically made with the substantive visa application, but can also be made by separate application. For more detailed eligibility requirements please refer to the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth).


Zion holds a Student (Subclass 500) (Student) visa which has one more month of validity. Zion has completed his course and is eligible for a Graduate (Subclass 485) (Graduate) visa but he is concerned that his Graduate visa won’t be processed prior to his current Student visa expiry. By lodging the Graduate visa using the online form whilst onshore, he is automatically granted a BVA. This BVA will allow him to remain in Australia whilst his Graduate visa is processing.

The purpose of a BVB is to allow the holder of a BVA / BVB to depart and re-enter Australia for a specified period. A separate application for a BVB must be made showing the “substantial reasons for leaving and re-entering Australia”. On return, the BVB will permit the holder to remain in Australia until:

  1. the processing of their associated substantive visa application (including any merits review by the AAT; or
  2. completion of their judicial review proceedings relating to their associated substantive visa application.


Zion is the holder of a BVA on the basis of making a valid Graduate visa application whilst onshore, which is still processing. It’s been 6 months since his Student visa expired but he wants to go back to New Orleans to see his brother Brandon who is getting married. In order to make sure he can re-enter Australia, he applies for a BVB prior to departing Australia. Once the BVB is granted, he travels to New Orleans for the celebrations. He is sure to return to Australia before the expiry period. Upon return, he continues to hold a BVB which will allow him to remain in Australia until visa processing is completed, but to travel again he would need to apply for a further BVB.

The purpose of a BVC is to provide lawful status in Australia to a person who is not the holder of a substantive visa, but has made a valid substantive visa application of a type that can be granted in Australia some time after their last substantive visa expired. The BVC will then allow a non-citizen to remain in Australia:

  1. during the processing of their associated substantive visa application until it is finally determined, including any merits review by the AAT; or
  2. during judicial review proceedings relating to their associated substantive visa application.

It’s important to note that the BVC does not have travel rights. If you choose to leave Australia for any reason, you will not be permitted back in. You also are unable to apply for a BVB to allow you to obtain travel rights whilst holding a BVC. A BVC will also not have work rights unless you have applied for one of these visas:

  1. a Business Skills — Business Talent (Permanent) (Class EA) visa; or
  2. a Business Skills (Provisional) (Class EB) visa; or
  3. a Business Skills (Permanent) (Class EC) visa; or
  4. an Employer Nomination (Permanent) (Class EN) visa;
  5. a Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (Class PE) visa;
  6. a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (Class PS) visa;
  7. a Regional Employer Nomination (Permanent) (Class RN) visa; or
  8. a Skilled — Independent (Permanent) (Class SI) visa; or
  9. a Skilled — Nominated (Permanent) (Class SN) visa; or
  10. a Skilled — Regional Sponsored (Provisional) (Class SP) visa.

In certain cases, a further BVC can be applied for with work rights if an applicant can demonstrate a “compelling need to work”. Contact us directly if you think you have such a need.


Zion has been in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen for more than 12 months, so rather than apply for a graduate visa, he decided he would lodge an onshore Partner (Subclass 820 / 801) (Partner) visa application. Due to an error in remembering the dates, Zion forgets to submit his Partner visa application prior to his Student visa expiring. Although he becomes unlawful, he applies for a valid Partner visa the day following his expiry and subsequently obtains a BVC to allow him to remain in Australia. However, Zion’s BVC doesn’t have work rights. Zion has a job offer to play basketball for an NBL team but without work rights he is unable to pay for rent, food or his stay in Australia. He subsequently applies for a separate BVC with a submission for a “compelling need to work”.

A BVE is intended to allow an unlawful non-citizen who is an eligible non-citizen to lawfully remain in Australia temporarily for a specific purpose. An eligible non-citizen for a BVE application purpose includes:

  1. a person who has been immigration cleared;
  2. a person who bypassed or was refused immigration clearance on or after 1 September 1994, has not since been granted a substantive visa or entry permit and has not come to notice within 45 days of entering Australia;
  3. a person who last held a student visa that was cancelled under s137J and has been refused immigration clearance. It’s important to note that the BVE does not have travel rights.

The following table sets out when a BVE may be appropriate:

A person presents to the department voluntarily as an unlawful non-citizen or located by compliance action as an unlawful non-citizen To enable the applicant to make arrangements to leave Australia, or await final determination of a substantive visa application made in Australia, or otherwise resolve their immigration status
A person has had a visa refused, or is a family member of the applicant To enable the applicant or the Minister to seek merits or judicial review of that visa refusal
A person has had a visa cancelled, or is a member of the family unit of the applicant To enable the applicant to pursue merits or judicial review of the decision to cancel that visa
A person who has had a visa refusal or cancellation decision affirmed by a review authority To enable the applicant to request the Minister substitute a more favourable decision under s351, s391, s417 or s454 of the Act
A person who has previously had a protection visa refused To enable the applicant to request the Minister to make a determination under s48B to allow a further protection visa application be made.
A person who has had a student visa automatically cancelled, or is a member of the family unit of the applicant

To enable the applicant:

  • to pursue an application for revocation of cancellation or
  • if an application for revocation is unsuccessful, to seek merits review of the decision to not revoke cancellation
A person who is in criminal detention To enable lawful status during criminal detention.
A person who has had an application for citizenship refused, or is a member of the family unit of the applicant To enable the applicant to seek merits or judicial review of an application
A person who is an unauthorised maritime arrival (formerly irregular maritime arrival (IMA) or offshore entry person (OEP)) or irregular air arrivals (IAAs) released into the community under s195A  visa grant by the Minister To allow UMAs/IAAs to apply for a protection visa.

It’s important to note that the BVE does not have travel rights. If you choose to leave Australia for any reason, you will not be permitted back in. You also are unable to apply for a BVB to allow you to obtain travel rights whilst holding a BVE.

A BVE will also not have work rights unless in certain cases, an applicant can demonstrate a “compelling need to work”. Contact us directly if you think you have such a need.


Zion’s de facto relationship broke down and his Partner visa was refused. He is distraught and stays in Australia despite the expiry date on his BVC. He has now been unlawful for 6 months whilst hoping to rekindle his relationship. After much thought, he decides it is time to move on and return to New Orleans to play basketball. He presents himself to the Department voluntarily as an unlawful non-citizen and notifies them that he intends to return home. The Department issues him with a BVE to allow him to do so.

What is a compelling need to work?

In certain cases, even if your Bridging Visa does not have work rights, you may be able to apply for a further Bridging Visa of the same class with work rights if you can demonstrate a “compelling need to work”.

The Migration Regulations (1994) (Cth) (Regulations) defines that a non-citizen has a compelling need to work if and only if:

  1. he or she is in financial hardship; or
  2. is an applicant for a Temporary Business Entry (Class UC) visa who seeks to satisfy the criteria for the grant of a Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa, has been identified in an approved nomination, and appears to satisfy the criteria for the grant of that visa.

What is financial hardship?

Generally, a person can be taken to be in financial hardship if the cost of reasonable living expenses exceeds their ability to pay for them.

Do you require further assistance?

If you find yourself unlawful, or have questions about your immigration status after a substantive visa expires, reach out to our experienced team on (03) 9016 0484 or book a consultation online.

This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.

Mihan Hannan

Author Mihan Hannan

Formerly a Senior Associate in one of Australia’s most reputable immigration litigation and review practices, Mihan is solutions focused and well versed in all aspects of Australian immigration law. Mihan also has a subscription addiction, being obsessed with tools to improve the firms immigration work flow.

More posts by Mihan Hannan

Join the discussion 89 Comments

  • Mj says:

    Hi Mihan. Hope all’s well with all of you. Please help. Im on a bridging visa A with full working rights at the moment and working in an aged care which is a critical sector but prior to that i came here as tourist then applied for student visa but got refused. I did apply for appeal at the AAT but still refused. Now, my BVA is expiring next month. I am just wondering if can i apply for covid visa despite not having a substantive visa before my bva expires next month? Please advise. do i have any other visa options? Thank you admin.

    • admin says:

      Hi MJ,
      Thanks for reaching out to us.
      Unfortunately the 408 visa requires you to have applying for it within 28 days of the date when the last substantive visa held ceased to be in effect. Assuming you’ve had your Student visa was refused more than 28 days ago this is not available to you and you will most likely need to apply for a BVE. If you want to explore options, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
      Kind regard,
      Hannan Tew

    • Jashan Deep says:

      Hey I am on student visa and I am convicted wth crime and now on good behaviour bond is it effects my 485 visa as I have launched it

      • admin says:

        Hi Jashan,
        All visas require you to pass the character test so depending on your crime, you may have issues.
        Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss this further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Deepa says:

      Hi I am in BVA for 485 visa (graduate study). I have got invite for 190 visa. മൈ queries are
      1. Once I apply for 190 visa, understand BVC will be issued. Once BVC is issued, which bridging visa will be in effect BVA or BVC.
      2. I have work rights under BVA. Can I continue to work once BVC is issued


      • admin says:

        Hi Deepa,
        Thanks for reaching out.
        Very briefly to your questions:
        1. Initially the BVA will be in effect – the BVC will come into effect when the BVA ceases;
        2. Your BVC on the back of a 190 should be granted with work rights but double check the condition when granted.
        Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you have further questions.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Vinod says:

      Hi I am in BVA for 485 visa (graduate study). I have got invite for 190 visa and have applied for the same.

      My queries are

      1. Since I have applied for 190 visa, is there any issue in having two applications (485 &190 ) live at the same time.
      2. Should I withdraw my 485 Application now since 190 is under process
      3. If my 190 visa is processed first, what happens to my 485 visa application. Will there be a situation where processing of 485 visa results in cancellation of 190 visa.


      • admin says:

        Hi Vinod,
        Congrats on the 190 invite!
        You can have two visas processing at the same time. However, just make sure you withdraw the 485 as soon as the 190 is approved (as technically a second visa grant can overwrite a first one).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

  • Jenil Patel says:

    Hi Mihan,
    Currently I am living in Sydney on a 482 TSS Sponsored visa valid for one year till 07 Jan, 2022. I want to apply for student visa and live here. At the same time, my employer asked me to leave in next 2 weeks (2nd october) as project schedule is changed and they don’t need my service any longer. Lets say I lodged student visa application and got a bridging visa before the day they asked me to leave. So as I have the bridging visa, I can live here. But if sponsors cancel my 482 visa, can I still stay here till I get the student visa?

    • admin says:

      Hi Jenil,
      Thanks for your comment.
      Technically, the Department could take steps to cancel your visa after you have ceased employment for more than 60 days. The process is that they would usually write to you and a consideration would be why you should not have your visa cancelled. If in the unlikely case that were to occur, you could explain that you had applied for a Student visa to change your circumstances.
      Bottom line is your TSS visa is unlikely to be cancelled as long as you apply for that Student visa within 60 days.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like further information.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • katrin.b says:

    Hi Mihan,
    My fiance has a permanent residence in Australia and I am here with a tourist visa to visit him. If I apply for partner visa here, can I stay in Australia with BVA for the period that my application being processed?

    • admin says:

      Hi Katrin,
      Just double check that your Visitor visa doesn’t have a “no further stay condition”. If so, and you meet the requirements for an onshore Partner visa application, by lodging one before your current visa expires you should be able to get a Bridging Visa A which will allow you to remain in Australia during processing. This BVA should also have full work rights and grant access to Medicare.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you want to clarify or require further information.
      Good luck!
      Hannan Tew

  • Mohd says:

    Hello, I have a question about a confusing situation.
    Suppose a Ph.D. student is granted a bridging visa (supposedly type A) due to the expiration of his/her student visa while he/she is under thesis examination. The student has a job offer for a postdoctoral position in Australia and he/she wants to apply for a graduate visa 485 right after conferring the degree. What kind of bridging visa he/she would receive when applying for a graduate visa while still on the previous bridging visa? Can the student start his/her job with the new bridging visa?

    Now, let us change the scenario: If the student is still on a student visa (the visa has not expired yet) and applies for a graduate visa 485 right after conferring the degree. What kind of bridging visa he/she would receive when applying for a graduate visa? Can the student start his/her job with the new bridging visa?

    I am confused with various narrations about these situations. I appreciate it if you provide a clarification.

  • Mami says:

    We applied for an Aged Parent Visa (Subclass 804). It was acknowledged as a valid application and we were granted Bridging Visas.
    Here’s the situation.
    Our last substantive visa expired on 31 October 2021. Our application was sent on post by our agent on 28 October 2021.
    We are issued the Bridging Visa C with application date 3 November 2021, which was past the effectivity of our last substantive visa.
    1. Can we ask for reconsideration from the Department of Home Affairs to reconsider the date of filing as the date of posting? This spells the difference between getting a BVA and a BVC.
    2. If Australian policy dictates that the grant of BVC applies to our case but then we left Australia to travel. We understand that we need to apply for a Visitor Visa to reenter Australia. However, Visitor visas are generally valid for just 3 months each visit. Can we apply for another BVC?
    3. If by luck we were granted the BVA and then we left Australia without applying for a BVB. We understand that we need to apply for Visitor Visa to reenter Australia. In that situation, can we reinstate the BVA when we return to Australia?
    Thank you

    • admin says:

      Hi Mami,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      Unfortunately all applications look at time of receipt (not posting) so you can’t ask the BVC to be switched to a BVA.
      For the other questions, it can get complicated, so feel free to contact us at [email protected] to arrange for a consultation.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Mike Edmundson says:

    I’m a bit confused, if I am on a 600 tourist visa, with the only conditions being 8101 – No work. If I apply for an 801/820 Visa, and with the 820 Bridging Visa A once granted, will i have to wait until the “Visa Expiry Date” of my 600 tourist visa (for example if that’s in December 2022) until i can work?

    • admin says:

      Hi Mike,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      Although your BVA associated with your work rights will probably be have unrestricted work rights, it won’t come into effect until your current visa expires (presumably December 2022).
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Marcus Kennedy says:

    Hi Mihan,

    My partner is coming to the end of her student visa and is applying for a graduate visa. She needs to travel back to the US to see her sick Grandma around the end of her student visa expiry date.

    Will the BVA bridging visa automatically be granted when she submits her application for a graduate visa?
    Should she also apply for the BVB visa with specified travel dates at the same time? Can it all be done together or will they need to be seperate applications?

    It would be really reassuring to hear your advice as we proceed with her application.

    Thanks very much for your time,

    • admin says:

      Hi Marcus,
      Yes, by lodging an onshore Graduate visa she will be given a BVA.
      In order to travel whilst holding a BVA, she will need to manually apply for a BVB to travel (separate application).
      Good luck,
      Hannan Tew

    • Keith O'Callaghan says:

      When do they consider the tourist visa to expire before bridging visa kicks in? For example, my partner has a 12 month multiple entry visa, does the bridging visa kick in at the end of the 12 months or the 3 month stay allowed each time?

      • admin says:

        Hi Keith,
        For people in Australia, the tourist visa will expire at the end of the stay period (not the overall grant period).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

  • Wills W says:

    Hi. I am here on a tourist visa visiting my children and I have recently applied for a contributory parent visa 143. It is still not in the queue. Can I apply for a bridging visa and be able to work until my parent visa is granted in 6 years?

    • admin says:

      Hi Wills,
      Unfortunately the 143 visa does not grant a bridging visa (only the onshore Aged Parent visas do).
      This means you will need to find another visa to remain in Australia during processing.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Sahzia says:

    My application is under AAT and I am on bridging visa A. Should I apply for bridging visa B? If I want to travel outside the Australia?

    • admin says:

      Hi Sahzia,
      Yes, if you’re currently on a Bridging Visa A (BVA) and wish to travel outside Australia and be able to return, you will need to apply for and be granted a Bridging Visa B (BVB). If you don’t and simply leave, you will lose the BVA. Please also don’t forget to check your travel permissions once the BVB is granted. All the best,
      Hannan Tew Lawyers

  • Kruti says:


    Highly appreciate if you provide your inputs on this critical situation🙏

    I applied 190 PR onshore in May ‘19 and it is under further assessment. I was issued BVA and travelled overseas with BVB (granted for 1 yr) and stuck overseas due to travel restrictions, BVB got expired now.

    Then I applied and received tourist visa-600 for 12 months.

    If I travel on tourist visa to Australia, Can I have reinstatement of BVA automatically or I need to apply for it ?

    And will I have to wait for BVA grant until my tourist visa date expiry ( arrive by 22 MAR 2022) ? As I need to get back to work.

    Your response would be much appreciated!

  • Ash M says:

    If my parents travel on a tourist visa to Australia, and once onshore, apply for an Aged Parent visa, are they granted an automatic BVA while they wait for the outcome of the Aged Parent visa? Given the waiting times for Aged Parent visas (30 years :o!) I was unsure if a BVA would last that long!! Can they travel freely as long as they apply for a BVB every time they want to leave Australia?

    • admin says:

      Hi Ash,
      Yes, onshore Aged Parent visas grant BVA’s which can remain in effect until a decision (can be as long as needed).
      They do need to apply for a BVB on each travel and just bear in mind that though practically this is not a problem, the Department does have the discretion to not grant it (in which case the applicant would lose their BVA if they travel).
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Daniela says:

    I applied for my student visa on the 14th of this month, got my acknowledgement of application on the same day but I didn’t get a bridging visa automatically. Now my visa expired yesterday. I could’t even call the immigration coz its public holiday on Monday. What bridging visa should I get then is it A or C?

    • admin says:

      Hi Daniela,
      There can sometimes be delays in processing your BVA, but the Department will eventually issue this.
      Your best option is to contact the Department on Tuesday.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like us to discuss.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Natalie L says:

    Hi, my family (husband and 3 small children) and I are currently on a 601 tourist visa from the UK and our financial situation has changed leaving us in a financial hardship situation. Can we apply for a bridging visa stating financial hardship to enable us to work in Australia and apply for a 491 visa at the same time?

    • admin says:

      Hi Natalie,
      Your application for a 491 visa will usually be the application for a bridging visa (you do not need a separate application).
      Usually the 491 visa will require you to have employment so then applying to remove a work limitation on your bridging visa may not make sense.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • elena morris says:

    im an australian citizen, ive got married to my husband on september 2020 and we have a 1 year old child

    my husband visa is BVE i was wondering can i apply for another visa like partner or marriege visa while he is still on bridging visa E in australia?

    • admin says:

      Hi Elena,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      Applicant’s aren’t precluded from lodging Partner visas because they hold BVA’s alone, but may be impacted if there is a Schedule 3 requirement (e.g. it has been more than 28 days since the last substantive visa was held). In this case, there need to be substantial reasons for why the Schedule 3 requirement should be waived.
      Feel free to email us at [email protected] to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Preeti says:

    Hey, Mihan
    It will be highly appreciated if you provide your inputs on this critical situation.

    I am in Australia on a 600 tourist visa. I wish to go to South Korea for cultural purposes from Australia itself. Will the Australian Government allow me to have a tourist visa on another tourist visa?

    • admin says:

      Hi Preeti,
      Is your question about applying for a further onshore Tourist visa? If so, the answer is yes you can apply for a further onshore Visitor visa in the tourist stream (but need to demonstrate that you are a genuine temporary entrant).
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Coline says:

    I am in Australia on an e-visitor visa which requires me to leave every 3 month but is valid for a year. After applying for a Working Holiday visa, I received a BVA. Does the bridging visa come into effect once the first 90 days of the E-visitor are over, and I can then stay onshore? Or do I have to leave every 3 month until the E-visitor visa expires and the BVA replaces it?
    Thank you for your help!

    • admin says:

      Hi Coline,
      Thanks for reaching out.
      The BVA will only come into effect if you remain in Australia on the day your E-Visitor ceases (so yes, you need to stay in Australia for the 90 days and on the 91st day you’ll get your BVA). You do not need to wait for the 12 month overall grant period of the ETA< jus the 90 day stay period. Hope that helps! Kind regards, Hannan Tew

  • Raj says:

    Hi Hannan,
    My parents lodged visa subclass 804 in 2018 and travelled overseas on Bridging Visa B in late 2019 and were supposed to be back in the country by early 2020. But then Covid hit and they couldnt travel back to Australia before the border was shut. Now after the border was opened I lodged for a tourist visa,expecting once they are here we will be able to reinstate Bridging Visa A for subclass 804 but now their tourist visa has been granted with no further stay condition to complicate things
    What can I do here?

    • admin says:

      Hi Raj,
      Your situation is complex, so please email us at [email protected] to schedule a consultation.
      As a side note, condition 8503 only applies to substantive visas (not bridging visas).
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Shunthari says:

    Hi there, I’m currently in BVC and can switch to BVA ?

    • admin says:

      Hi Shunthari,
      You can apply for a BVA only if you meet the requirements (generally, if you apply for a visa whilst holding a substantive visa).
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss, but unfortunately the short answer to your questions is that you can’t switch from a BVC to a BVA.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Jazzwin says:

    Hi there,

    I’m currently on student visa subclass 500 and my wife and kid currently on tourist visa.I believe my kid whose 7 years old can enroll in a government school for 3 months under tourist visa and then need to have dependent visa in hand?
    My concern is can she still continue her school with bridging visa while her dependent in process or she needs to have dependent in hand ? Thank you

  • Hassan Hameed says:

    Hi Hannan,

    Hope you’re doing good.
    I have some queries regarding Australian immigration.

    I have 11 years of experience related to my field. I lodged my EOi as Engineering Technologist my points are low for current situation, so last month I applied for student visa with my spouse, MS in Electrical Engineering and waiting for visa. MY QUESTION IS WILL THIS AN ISSUE FOR STUDENT VISA GRANT as EOI is lodged already??

    Secondly I just got an offer letter from an employer in Australia and they are offering 400 visa, MY QUESTION IS 400 VISA CAN BE CHANGED TO 482 VISA after 6 months as probationperiod is of 6 months too? MOREOVER STUDENT VISA APPLICATION COULD EFFECT THE CURRENT OFFERED VISA 400??

    I am overseas applied and never been in Australia. Kindly suggest.

    • admin says:

      Hi Hassan,
      Very briefly:
      (1) We have seen EOI applications whilst your Student visa is being processed (though if possible to avoid its best since the Student visa has a genuine temporary entrant criteria);
      (2) 400 visas are for short term highly specialised work so though a 482 can be lodged whilst holding a 400 visa it is not recommended.
      Feel free to email us at [email protected] and book a consultation with one of our lawyers to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

      • Hassan Hameed says:

        Thanks for your response, I understand EOI is not a problem for 400 Visa, but for 400 visa the applied student visa will not be a problem for 400 visa right?
        Moreover can I switch to 400 visa to 491 or 482 visa easily?

  • mai t q ho says:

    My mother has applied for visa 804 and was granted BVC. She would like to travel to VN to attend some outstanding family matter. Can she apply for Bridging visa A, then Bridging visa B so she can travel and come back to Australia?

  • Monique says:

    Hi, I have BVC on 190 and my student visa is expiring on Aug 30. My BVC has no conditions so does that means I can work? Also, how can I apply for BVB to travel if BVC can’t apply to BVA/BVB? Thank you

    • admin says:

      Hi Monique,
      A few points:
      (a) if your BVC has no conditions then yes, you can work
      (b) you can’t apply for a BVB if you hold a BVC so no standard means to travel and return. You can choose to travel and simply wait outside of Australia until the processing of your 190 (though carefully consider this against your visa eligibility criteria).
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Parker says:

    Hi, I have a BVA for my visa 600 application. However, I get the CoE from My Univerity for my new PhD course. Can i apply Visa 500 and then withdraw my 600 application?

    • admin says:

      Hi Parker,
      It’s not a straight forward answer because to apply for a Student visa while the holder of a Bridging Visa, you typically have to have made the application within 28 days of your last substantive visa ceasing. There would also be questions of whether you can satisfy the “genuine temporary entrant” criteria for the Student visa given that you had applied for a Visitor visa.
      Feel free to book in a consultation if you’d like to discuss this further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew Team.

  • Cindy says:

    Good day. Hope all is well.
    I am currently holding a visitor visa 601 with condition of 8115 and want to apply for visa 835. Can you please help me with questions below?
    1. What kind of bridging visa I’ll get?
    2. How immigration decide on the work rights of bridging visa?
    3. Assuming the bridging visa comes without work rights, is there a minimal time frame I can appeal/apply for work rights?
    Thank you very much.

    • admin says:

      Hi Cindy,
      Ordinarily your BVA will have the same work rights as your previous visa (so will contain condition 8115).
      There are provisions for removing this condition in certain instances – feel free to email us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Brenda says:

    Hi, my mother applied for an aged parent visa 804 in 2013, she lives eith .yself & my husband, & has a bridging visa. She has a reciprocal Medicare card. When she has been in Australia for 10 years (March 2023) is she entitled to Centrelink assistance and/or an Australian pension as she may need to go into residential care?

    • admin says:

      Hi Brenda,
      Centrelink and pension is usually only available to Australian permanent residents (not permanent resident visa applicants) so holding a BVA is unlikely to make your mother eligible.
      You might want to contact Services Australia to confirm, or contact us at [email protected] to engage us to look into this further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Asal says:

    Hi there ,
    I am right now outside Australia and I have got my invitation to apply for visa 189.
    In the meantime , I have been granted a visa 400 and intend to go to Australia with that in near future.
    I was wondering if I apply for my visa 189 while I am overseas , can I come to Australia via 400 and apply for a BVA linked to my 189 ?
    I have read some notes that I have to apply for 189 once I am in Australia to be eligible for a BVA?
    Would appreciate sharing your advice

    • admin says:

      Hi Asal,
      Generally speaking, you need to be in Australia when you apply for the 189 visa to automatically get a BVA and remain there when your first substantive visa expires.
      There are some ways you can manually apply for a BVA from within Australia though, as the criteria is that you made an applicant “that can be granted if the applicant is in Australia” and “held a substantive visa when you applied for that visa”. That is, it doesn’t require you to have applied for the substantive visa whilst in Australia.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Carolin says:

    Hello from Germany,
    our son (16 years old) is in Australia on a student visa (subclass 500) which ends on Dec. 03,2022. We would like to pick him up in December and travel around Australia for one month. Can you help us and tell how to switch his student visa in a tourist visa and when we can do this? Does he need a Bridging Visa? Which one? In which order do we need to proceed?
    Thank you for your help, Kind regards

    • admin says:

      Hi Carolin,
      He may be able to apply for an onshore Student (Subclass 600) visa.
      We’d need to review the facts in more detail, but feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

      • Fiona says:


        Appreciate much if you can let me know what should I do.

        My parents have applied contributory aged parents visa and now they are in Australia with BVC. Unfortunately, the health condition of my grandfather deteriorates recently and my parents want to travel visiting my grandfather. May I know is that possible to apply and shift to BVA when my parents are on BVC, so that they can apply BVB?

        Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

        • admin says:

          Hi Fiona,
          Generally speaking, you can’t apply for a BVA or BVB whilst you hold a BVC so if your parents want to leave Australia they might not have an option to return until their Contributory Aged Parent visas process.
          Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
          Hannan Tew

  • Ss says:

    My 600 visa is getting expired on 12 Oct 2022. I have been granted with bridge A as part of partner visa application and bridge shows still not active in Vevo. I need to perform a Vevo check for my bridge visa for job. Can I do it on Oct 13 ? By when Vevo will be updated with my bridge details?

    • admin says:

      Hi Ss,
      Assuming your BVA was granted, it will actually come into effect on 13 October 2022 (so you can do a VEVO check then).
      It only comes into effect if you are in Australia and after your existing substantive visa expires.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • kk says:


    Please help, I have asked a migration agent and a lawyer but am still confused. If I am currently on a student visa but cannot continue study due to financial situation, I have not cancelled my study visa yet and I apply for a protection visa under domestic violence, will I receive bridging visa A or bridging Visa E? Is there a chance for me and my kids to get protection visa as the perpetrator is no longer in the country, or the chance is small?


  • Rajwinder says:

    Hello, I applied for student visa after expiration of my temporary graduate visa and got bridging visa A. After few days I got invite for 189 visa and I applied for 189 visa my application is received for 189 visa but I haven’t received bridging visa for 189 visa application. I am worried why I am not getting bridging visa for 189 visa is it because I am on bridging visa A already or something else. Please reply.

    • admin says:

      Hi Rajwinder,
      If you applied for the 189 whilst holding a BVA you would normally get a BVC.
      In any case, feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss this in more detail.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Avan Fadli says:

    Hi Admin,

    I have one question for you.

    I have applied for covid visa (408) on August 2022 then I received bridging visa (A) then on October 2022 I applied for (188e) business stream visa, then I have received bridging visa (C) (the visa C will active after my bridging visa a ends). Last week I requested a withdrawal of my (408) visa because I just want 188e visa. Now I have an urgent to visit my country. My bridging visa A still active now, because my withdrawal 408 has not been accepted yet. Can I apply bridging visa (B) ? If I travel to my country with bridging visa B, if my withdrawal visa 408 accepted, can I come back to Australia?

    Thank you so much for your attention.

    • admin says:

      Hi Avan,
      It’s a bit tricky as though you can apply for a BVB on the basis of holding a BVA and having a nee to travel, if your 408 is withdrawn then the BVB might cease within 35 days of that withdrawal.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to consider your situation in more detail.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • MLP says:

    Hi Admin,

    I have 485 visa, which is still active until May 2023. I applied for 491 and got BVA which is not active until may 2023. Do I still have to apply for Bridging visa B, if I want to visit overseas?

    • admin says:

      Hi MLP,
      From what you’ve described, you should only need a BVB to travel overseas after your current 485 visa expires (assuming your 491 hasn’t been approved) in May 2023.
      Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have further questions.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Camper1 says:

    Hi Admin.

    How possible is it to get a bridging visa with an eta or working holiday visa to Australia, I’m a Swedish citizen, I have an eta approved and I am currently waiting to get my working holiday visa. My partner is an Australian citizen and we were wondering if there is a possibility of swiping to permanent residency.

    • admin says:

      Hi Camper1,
      As long as you and your partner can evidence a de facto or married relationship, and apply for a Partner visa whilst onshore, you should be able to get a Bridging Visa A as a matter of law to keep you in Australia during processing.
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] and we can see if we can help.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Camper1 says:

    Hey Hanna.

    Thanks for your reply so far :). please one other question.

    Can I enroll into a higher instituition (Post graduate studies) with brigding visa ?

    Kind regards

    • admin says:

      Hi Camper1,
      The Bridging Visa A won’t have any study limitation (so you can enroll) but just be aware that you’ll likely need to be paying international fees.
      You might want to speak to the education provider first.
      Hope that helps!
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • June says:


    I have applied offshore student visa on 22 dec 2022 and pending for its result. I will be flying in to australia via tourist visa first on 25 dec as my school is starting on 2 jan 2023. My studies will be at perth but i will be making a trip to adelaide first to visit my sisters. Is it advisable to apply for bridging visa A while I’m in adelaide or in perth? I will only be flying to perth on 1 jan 2023.

    Pls advise. Thanks!

    • admin says:

      Hi June,
      You need to have made the Student visa in Australia to obtain the Bridging Visa A (so if you come to Australia on a Visitor visa you will remain on a Visitor visa until the new Student visa is approved).
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • David says:

    I am in Australia on annual RRV with expiry on 28 Feb 2023 and had lodged an application to renew my RRV last week. However, I need to travel out of Australia before 28 Feb 2023.
    My question is:-
    1) Is there any Bridging Visa before the decision on my RRV renewal I can apply for my short travel out of Australia?
    2) Will the Bridging Visa affect the right to remain indefinitely in Australia under my current RRV upon my return to Australia or on issuance of the Bridging Visa assuming the RRV renewal application haven’t been decided yet?

    • admin says:

      Hi David,
      Yes, you could apply for a Bridging Visa A followed by a Bridging Visa B to achieve your objectives (but you should apply and obtain these before 28 February 2023 as the BVB cannot be granted offshore).
      Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss in more detail.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Bilal hamid says:

    Hi there
    My wife is on 309 visa. We recently applied for s100
    Does that mean we need to get bridging visa B if she needs to travel overseas
    The department web site is not clear

    • admin says:

      Hi Bilal,
      You won’t need to apply for a BVB if your wife already holds the 309 visa.
      The 309 visa is a substantive visa that will allow her to travel in and out of Australia whist she holds it.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

  • Elena says:

    Hi there –
    Please help me understand my visa options. I currently hold a visitor visa 600 overall 3 years (expires in 2026) multiple entry with 3 months stay at a time and max 12 months stay in any 18-month period. If I apply for 820 when I’m in Australia, when will my bridging visa kick in – after 3 months stay, after 12 months or after full 3 years of grant time? Immigration website says ‘when your substantive visa expires’, which is a bit ambiguous considering all the conditions.

  • sasha says:

    Hey, I am on tourist visa (subclass 600) right now. it is for overall 3 years (expires in 2027) multiple entry with 3 months stays at a time and max 12 months stay in any 18-month period. I applied for my 309 visas in Feb and for visitor’s visa on 3rd March 2024. I got my visitor’s visa on 13 March 2024. Now my tourist visa is going to expires on 23 Sep 2024, I want to know is it possible I can apply for bridging visa to stay here unless I don’t get my partner visa, because I can’t enter and exit again and again after every three months. My agent told me that I can apply for onshore tourist visa first and after that we can apply for bridging visa B without leaving Australia. So, is it possible? I want to know.

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